
Need practice to ace that interview?

Andrej Spasovski

Andrej Spasovski

1 minute read

Fri Nov 25, 2022

Need practice to ace that interview?

A lot of people in the tech sphere will find these holidays a little less warm, and not just because of the European energy crisis. We’ve all heard about the recent waves of tech layoffs — from the largest companies to the boutiques, we’re seeing an unprecedented restructuring and, for many, an uncertain future.

If you’re a junior software engineer, or fresh out of school and looking for a job in the field, the career climb can seem especially steep these days. But what if you had a guide? Someone to practice interviewing with, no strings attached?

In Ataccama’s Prague office, our amazing Sarka Kousalova has been working on something for a while now. Next week, she’ll be holding two practice interview sessions for software engineers, in Czech and English, with no commitments whatsoever.

If you’re a job-seeking software engineer, no matter your skill level or seniority, you’re invited! Not only is this a chance to get valuable feedback on your interviewing skills and style, but also an opportunity to experience how Ataccama, a leader in the Data Management solutions field, handles its recruitment process when hiring developers and engineers. And after the session, you’re welcome to join us for a live recording of Sarka’s ProgramHRování podcast (in Czech), featuring our VP of Engineering, Dagi!

Ready for the details?

We’ll be holding two sessions, as mentioned — one on Tuesday November 29, taking place online, and an offline session on Wednesday November 30 at the Ataccama office in Prague. The interviews will mostly take place in the afternoon, but since we have so many applicants already, there will also be some morning slots.

But you only have until this weekend to register! Registrations closes on Sunday November 27, so don’t delay.

If you need any help before the event, feel free to write to Sarka and she’ll do her best to help you.

See you soon, and good luck!

Need practice to ace that interview? was originally published in Life at Ataccama on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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